Here Are a few images of our happy endings

Our latest success comes from such a tragic beginning. Two weeks after giving birth to a litter of kits the mother tragically died leaving us the responsibility of hand rearing the kits, which is no mean feat. So far all have surivived and are now starting to wean, so the future is very bright for these little kitts. Below is a few images of the rearing process.

Above: 2 week 4 day old ferrets were fed every 2 hours using a syringe and Lactose Kitten formula. Then were increased slowly to 4 hours. 

Above: you can see the brood lamp to keep them at a nice temp with room around the cage to cool if needed. also trays with milk in as they are now starting to sip the milk, a very encouraging sgn that they are doing well. You will also see a blue tray of ferret biscuits which have been soaking in boiling water to soften, allowing them to start weaning. Thery are now 3 weeks and 2 days. Although thi sis very early to start weaning the sooner we can get them independent the better as they will be more likely ro survive.

 At five weeks theese kitts have been weaned and are now starting to drink water and are eating plenty of  fresh meat. they have even learnt how to drink from a bottle. The brood lamp is still left on at night but turned off during the warmer days.

All our kitts have now opened their eyes and will be fully weaned and ready to go in approximately 3 weeks. 

 Below are a few images of two of the lucky survivors from above settling in to their new home in cornwall.(All 10 of the litter have now been rehomed) 

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